Formulated For Men
MRC is a combination of nutritional supplements, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that are safe, noninvasive, and effective. The assumption that a single agent will improve the fertility in all men with infertility problems would suggest that all these men are affected by a similar defect. Since this is clearly unlikely, REPRODUCTIVE COMPLEX is made of several well tolerated components so that the body can naturally select what it needs for its reproductive health. Clinical evidence indicates a therapeutic role for these agents in men with infertility and in improving the odds of conception in couples who are subfertile.
Carnitine (Tartrate) is important for sperm metabolism, especially in providing energy for sperm cells. This readily available energy source is necessary for sperm motility, maturation and production. Supplementing the body with carnitine has helped to normalize sperm in men with low sperm quality. Although L-carnitine is synthesized in the body, there is evidence that the high concentrations within the reproductive organs appear to be due more to an accumulation mechanism rather than as a result of biosynthesis. There are numerous studies demonstrating the benefits of carnitine for all the recognized sperm parameters, and ultimately for male fertility.
Arginine is an amino acid necessary to maintain normal sperm production because it is a precursor to testosterone, polyamines, and nitric oxide. Arginine is significantly decreased in the seminal plasma of men with low or no sperm in their ejaculate.
Research shows that several months of arginine supplementation increases sperm count, motility and also fertility.
Lycopene is a powerful anti-oxidant and a carotenoid found especially in tomatoes, as well as in the male testes. Recently, research at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences demonstrated that after 3 months of lycopene, significant improvement in most men with abnormal sperm parameters of low sperm concentration, motility, and morphology. In addition, lycopene has been shown to be hightly effective in preventing some cancers, especially prostate.
Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate) is an anti-oxidant agent that protects the body against many toxic substances, particularly free radicals, and can affect the reproductive process in men. Men taking 1 gram (or 1,000 mg) of vitamin C daily showed significant improvements in sperm density, motility, and structure. In addition, Vitamin C may be important as a reducing substance in the biosynthesis of collagen, steroid and peptide hormones. We have buffered the Vitamin C in REPRODUCTIVE COMPLEX since too much acidity in the semen can have an adverse affect on sperm.
Vitamin E (d-Alpha Tocopherol) is a very powerful anti-oxidant that prevents cell damage, and has the ability to contribute to hormone normalization. Vitamin E is a mild anti-coagulant and improves circulation to the sex organs. Formerly labeled the anti-sterility vitamin, it is crucial to proper reproductive function in both men and women. In fact, the chemical name for vitamin E, "tocopherol" originated from the Greek words tokos, which means "offspring," and phero, which means "to bear." Vitamin E has been shown to improve binding of sperm to the zona pellucida of human oocytes in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.
Selenium (Selenomethionine) is also a potent anti-oxidant mineral which protects the immune system by preventing the formation of free radicals that can damage the body. Reports indicate a connection between selenium and sperm production. At least half the selenium in the male body is found in the semen. This trace mineral,along with zinc, have been identified as essential for the production of healthy sperm. Recent studies indicate that reduced daily selenium intake may be linked to an increased risk of male infertility.
Zinc (Aspartate) is an essential mineral for prostate gland function and the health of the reproductive system. Seminal plasma, the fluid in which the sperm exist, usually has highest concentration of zinc in the body, and levels are directly related to sperm concentration and motility. The restriction of dietary zinc reduces both sperm count, seminal plasma volume, and results in delayed spermatozoal maturation and impaired motility. Zinc supplementation raises testoterone and also increases fertility, sperm count and motility.
Formulated For Women
Beta-Carotene is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger. It enhances the body's immune system. The significance of Beta-Carotene is evident since the Corpus Luteum (in females) contains the highest concentration of Beta-Carotene in the body's tissue. Supplemental Beta-Carotene naturally concentrates in the ovaries.
Vitamin C (as Calcium Ascorbate) is a very powerful antioxidant that works synergistically with the other antioxidants such as Vitamin E. It reduces the symptoms of menorrhagia (abnormal menstrual bleeding). Vitamin C concentrates in the female ovaries, and during pregnancy, there is a significant increase in the female body's requirements for Vitamin C.
Bioflavonoids enhances the absorption of Vitamin C, and they should be taken together. European studies suggest that bioflavonoids may help women prone to miscarriage sustain their pregnancy. Bioflavonoids strengthen capillaries and promote circulation throughout the body.
Vitamin E contributes to hormone production, improves circulation, and prevents miscarriages. Signs of deficiency can include infertility, menstrual problems, spontaneous abortion (miscarriages) and uterine degeneration.
Folic acid (Folate) is very important in pregnancy. It helps to regulate embryonic and fetal nerve cell formation, which is vital for normal development. Studies have shown that taking Folic acid in early pregnancy may prevent the vast majority of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and anencephaly. It may also help to prevent premature birth. To be effective this regimen must begin before conception. If a woman waits until she knows she's pregnant, it may be too late because critical events in fetal development occur during the first six weeks, and Folic acid accummulates in the body very slowly.
Evening Primrose contains the essential fatty acids (EFA) which are crucial to proper functioning of the hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Some experts speculate, for instance, that protaglandins abnormalities may cause the fallopian tubes to spasm, preventing the forward progression of the egg. An imbalance could prevent ovulation. Experts believe that many types of infertility may eventually be treated with prostagladins.
False Unicorn is an herb used as an overall uterine tonic. Especially useful for women experiencing pelvic congestion. It is effective therapy for pelvic pain and dysfunction of the ovaries.
Red Raspberry is known for its soothing properties. Red Raspberry helps to ease many female complaints and discomforts, while strengthening uterine muscle. It also helps to prevent miscarriage during pregnancy. Red Raspberry also alleviates dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation.) It contains significant amounts of natural Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and calcium.
Dong Quai has been named the "Queen of all Female Herbs" and has been used for thousands of years in Chinese Herbal Medicine to nourish and balance the reproductive system. The chemical constituents of this herb have an immediate stimulatory effect on the uterus by strengthening and normalizing uterine contractions. It is very rich in natural Vitamin E and iron. It is used for regulating hormones and improving menstrual cycles.
Licorice is a plant that contains hormonally active compounds categorized as saponins. Licorice is a source of the female hormone estrogen. The Japanese have found that licorice based remedies improve menstruation in women with infrequent menstrual periods.
Vitex is also known as Chaste Tree, and is utilized in the treatment of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. It is recognized for its ability to raise progesterone levels and lower high estrogen levels. Lowered progesterone in the second half of a woman's cycle is a common cause of miscarriage and infertility. It also can correct ovarian dysfunction; Vitex improves luteal phase defect by indirectly stimulating the endogenous production of progesterone.
Black Cohosh is used in Herbal Medicine to treat hormonal imbalance. It is commonly used for complaints of dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods). Researchers in Europe have shown that Black Cohosh enhances pituitary secretions with subsequent ovarian stimulation. It contains isoflavones that have a mild, but significant, estrogenic affect.
Royal Jelly is the milk-like secretions from the Queen Bee's nurseworkers. Royal Jelly is loaded with natural B vitamins, minerals and all eight essential amino acids. It has every nutrient necessary to sustain life. It has been found effective for glandular and hormonal imbalances in women with menstrual problems. It also promotes cell longevity and has a wide range of health benefits.
Raw Uterus helps to correct menstrual dysfunctions including habitual miscarriage, irregular menstrual periods and infertility. It helps prevent inflammation of the vagina and cervical canal. It improves tissue growth and aids in calcium absorption for bones and muscle.
Raw Ovary normalizes the important estrogen/progesterone balance. It helps to correct overgrowth of the endometrium, PMS symptoms, and pain during menstruation. It supports hormone production to delay menopause.
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